An online, National Legislation (L) and Ethics (E1) course. Successful completion of assessment and an accompanying species specific PIL AB course will allow the participant to apply to the Home Office (HO) for a personal licence (

An online, PIL AB course for someone who already has a personal licence (PIL) or has already completed National Legislation and Ethics. Successful completion of assessment will allow the participant to apply to the Home Office (HO) to have dogs added to their PIL

An online, Module K course for anyone who needs more information about humane killing under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. You may be a personal licensee, animal technologist or someone performing Function D.

An online, PIL AB course for someone who already has a Personal Licence (PIL) or has completed National Legislation and Ethics elsewhere. Successful completion of assessment will allow the participant to apply to the Home Office (HO) to have guinea pigs, mice, rabbits and rats added to their PIL